Dig Tha' Feet
Vendredi 2 février, 2018 - 18:00
Save the dates,
Dig Tha’ Feet will be back in 2018!
Jivers, boogie woogie dancers & lindy hoppers, come and dance together as ONE BIG SWING FAMILY .. Cause who can miss a family reunion, right!?
On the menu:
Felix Berghäll (Sweden)
Annie Trudeau (Canada)
Lewi Gilamichael (NYC)
Frances Elaine & guests (NYC)
Gabrielle Couture LeCavalier (Canada)
Anthony Demeter (France/Canada)
Raphaël Desmaison (France/Canada)
New competition: Team Battle!
Read more about it (and everything else) on our brand new website:
New master class.
New conference & cultural activities.
.. And the WHOLE weekend will be happening at Theatre Plaza (evenings & workshops) !
.. With love from your devoted team!
– Dig Tha’ Feet & friends
*L’horaire de l’événement peut être sujet à certains changements.
18:00 Ouverture des portes
19:00 Chorégraphie Solo Jazz avec Felix Berghäll (ouvert à tous)
20:00 Danse sociale
20:30 Team Battle 1/4 de finales
21:15 Homeward Bounce
22:00 New Yorker’s DJ Battle !
Playing vinyles! #DoingItTheOldWay!
22:30 Invitational Crossover M&M
23:30 Homeward Bounce
00:00 Just Do It
Prelim & Final
03:00 Fin de la soirée